The new We

Many times in my theological studies I have heard the word God and countless claims have been made about him.

From a young age I have come to know 'God' mainly as a 'problem', which you could think about endlessly, and which you had to learn at school through the catechism.

Why are we on earth?

To be happy here and hereafter.

You need a lifetime for this question alone.

The purpose of theological studies is to develop tools to be able to unravel theological structures.

Often the proven certainties are described as a truth, while this can be an uncomfortable theological paradox.

As a believer I have a natural suspicion of proven certainties, because I know that no one will see God and still live.

What misery would humanity have been spared if religious thinking and discussion had always been based on this simple truth.

"God who can be said is not God".

Only His love can be understood through despair and His life can only be found because He has overcome His fear of death.

On the cross He showed that He had all the power to use, but failed to do so… and knew that power can destroy everything, but redeemed humanity with His blood and death.

God cannot be described, but lets the soul – beyond the reasoning and controlling mind – smile gratefully.

God is not the answer to all our questions,

God is not even the answer to our most important questions.

God is the question that remains, when we have run out of answers.

May 2010

Marianneke Beurskens

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